Monday, October 6, 2008

Jason Williams retires

J-Will had a long and productive career, but apparently decided against restarting in LA with the Clips.

His early days with the very white Sacramento Kings were his glory days, and he was part of the squad that was robbed by the league, to make way for the LA Laker dynasty. Watching game six of that series is still the most atrocious example of blatant corruption in the history of basketball. The long term effects cannot be overstated, as the league made it clear that white basketball was not acceptable. The Kings broke up the team shortly thereafter, even though it was among the most popular and entertaining in the league at the time.

They were a trend setting team however, in their return to basketball skill, and they cracked the glass ceiling of the 100 point barrier for the first time in years. Their skilled passing and movement sets were a thing of beauty of watch, highlighting their sweet shooting finishes. Indeed, they may be considered a manifestation of the very paradigm of white basketball.

Thanks for all the great memories, J-Will.

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