Welcome back, Brad, reminding us why we love your game so much: 14 p (7 shots) - 10 reb - 6 a - 2 blk -- 30 minutes.
Hawes also had a solid game, as Sacramento goes for the Twin White Towers to power to victory: 14p (10 shots) - 11 reb - 3 blk -- 20 min
Pau Gasol goes off, coming in a close second for White of the Night: 20p (10 shots) - 15 rebs - 3 a - 3 blk -- 33 min
Lots of other excellent performances on Sunday night:
Bargnani: 18p (10 shots) - 5 reb - 3 blk -- 27 min off the bench, way more production than the starter.
Dirk: 33 points, on 26 shots! He is probably the leagues biggest shot hog, no doubt.
Paul Davis finally gets off the bench for the Clips, and proves his worth: 10p (6 shots) - 18 min
Kaman does well in the same game: 10p (6 shots) - 9 reb - 3 blk -- 32 min
Biedrins again plays monster in the middle: 16p (14 shots) - 18 reb (5 off) - 4 a - 2 blk - 2 stl -- 31 min
Kurz plays a full 22 minutes for Nellie in the same game, and even Belinelli gets 11 minutes to prove his worth, scoring 7 on 5 shots.
Scola has a solid game too: 12p (9 shots) - 9 reb - 3 stl -- 32 min.
Pachulia starts, but only plays 9 minutes. That is kinda weird.
Meanwhile, Swift finally plays for OKC, getting a whole 8 minutes of PT.
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