The NBA is mainly black today, but when did it become so?
The NBA added its first black player in 1951, but throughout the 1950s, most NBA players were white. An all-white team won the league championship in 1958, for example. The league remained majority white throughout the 1960s. It wasn't until 1964 that the league saw its first all-black starting lineup. By the mid 1970's the shift was on and by the early 1980s it was complete, with whites making up a quarter or less of the league since then.
For example, in 1991-2, the NBA was 25% white, by 1994-5, the NBA was only 18% white (a low for the decade), and in 2004, the league was still only 21% white (with a sizable chunk of that white talent from outside the US).
The last championship team that was predominantly white was the 1985 Boston Celtics. Since then, the last predominantly white team to even come close to a championship was the 2001 Sacramento Kings.
The obviously screw-job given to the Kings in the Western Conference Finals, which a referee has testified to be demanded by the league, was an obvious basketball travesty to everyone who watched the series, and did more than anything to turn white basketball fans into conspiracy theorists.
The anti-white bias of the NBA became more than just conspiracy theory in 2002. It was in that year, the US National Team, composed of black NBA all-stars, was humiliated in its home country during the World Championships of Basketball, losing numerous games to all-white international teams, and failing to even medal.
The point was hammered home in 2004, when Team USA, an all-black team of NBA all-stars, lost a number of games at the Olympics, although it came back from 4th seed in its pool to win a bronze medal.
The point was made again in 2006, even after a massive rebuilding campaign bordering on national basketball crisis, as as another all-star cast of blacks lost in international competition, finishing with a bronze in the World Championships.
Even the average fan was left wondering after these fiascos, how teams of "unathletic" foreign whites, who can't even make it in the NBA, are able to beat teams of our "super-athletic" NBA all-stars?
The humiliation of the NBA brand of "blacksketball" would have been revealed sooner if not for the geopolitical breakup of two European basketball superpowers of the 90s: Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. Team USA was one back-of-the-rim shot from losing to Lithuania in the year 2000, and Lithuania is just one small component of the former Soviet Union.
Today, the USSR basketball superpower has had its talent pool disected into separate teams, all of whom still dominate international competitions, such as Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Ukraine. Yugoslavia has been similarly disected, formerly uniting such basketball powerhouses today as Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro, and Croatia.
In short, it is now obvious to all and proven on the court that white basketball is as dominant as ever, WHEN GIVEN THE CHANCE. The ethnic cleansing of whites from the NBA is not based on lack of basketball skill, but on other factors.
There is no doubt that blacks can be great basketball players too, but the systematic exclusion and minimization of whites can no longer be justified, and WE AS FANS WILL NO LONGER TOLERATE IT.
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